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Why Melt?

It has been such a pleasure to share the Melt Method with so many of you! The more I share it, the more I feel inspired to share more. So, it’s a win-win!

As you may already know, learning how to Melt is pretty simple - so simple that you may not even realize what’s happening underneath the surface. The truth is that you don’t really need to know the science to receive the benefits.

However, for those of you who may be a little curious about what’s actually happening in the body, I offer this article. Let's go under the surface and dive in a little deeper to discover the Why of Melt!

And for those of you who haven't started Melting yet, I hope this little bit of science inspires some curiousity about how these techniques might support your unique body and situation.


Fundamentally, Melting is about taking care of our fascial system by keeping it hydrated. We already know how important it is to care for this three dimensional system in our body to sustain good health, mobility, and stability on all levels.

In a previous article I described the overall benefits of the Melt Method, so here I'd like to dive a little deeper into three fundamental techniques that will support the rehydration of your connective tissue. These are the same techniques that will get you started with any beginner Melt Sequence.


Gliding provides you with the opportunity to explore your body so you can identify areas of tenderness and sensitivity - fascial dehydration! - which is often sensed as stiffness in the tissues. Gliding allows the nuerofascial system time to adapt without causing a stress response throughout the nervous system. As you prepare your connective tissue in this way you're heightening your body sense and gently stimulating the nervous system without going TOO DEEP, TOO FAST.

Think of Gliding like “carving out a groove."

It stimulates the free nerve endings that live in the superficial fascia and allows adequate time to prepare for the more distinct, focal, manipulative pressure of Shearing (which is described below).

Basically, gliding teaches us how to meet barriers, edge up against them, so that we can then shear to induce local fluid exchange.


Shearing stimulates the the connective tissue cells, fibers, and fluids in a local region and directly addresses concentrated areas of tension and connective tissue dehydration to improve the flexibility and strength of local joint spaces. Think of it like this: Shearing is like working fluid into a sponge, or creating sudsy bubbles when you wash your hair, and as you decompress, you get a rehydration or fill effect in the tissue layers.

Because here's the thing:

As we age, our rate of collagen synthesis slows down, and the quantity of our interstitial fluids declines. Recent research is proposing that focal compression techniques such as Shearing can trigger a much-needed exchange of interstitial fluids in the fascial matrix.

It can be done Directly or Indirectly.

Direct Shearing stimulates the connective tissue from the outside-in while Indirect Shearing stimulates the connective tissue from the inside-out. Both of these techniques stimulate fluid flow in a local area which allows you to mobilize and rehydrate the targeted tissue layers.


Rinsing is a global technique that produces body-wide fluid flow. It's all about improving the connective tissues' state of motion. When we Rinse we create, restore, and exhchange fluid flow throughout the entire connective tissue system.

Think of it like a swirling squeegee that causes a vortex or spinning type of energy, much like the movement of water in a round tub. The direction of movement causes all the water molecules to move in the same direction, therefore you're creating a spinning flow by using a (gentle) mechanical force to create cellular fluid exchange.

Pretty cool, huh?

You may even notice improvements in your spinal movement simply by inducing fluid flow in your hands and feet! Since the connective tissue is a seamless, integrated system, we are supporting its constant flow whenever we Rinse the body. We do this in specific directions, following the myofascial meridians like a map.


Don't forget to breathe!

Focused breathing is what brings it all together. This sends a steady, reassuring message to your nervous system and further triggers the hydration effect by stimulating the process in the tissues that helps circulate blood and fluids throughout the entire body. Focused breathing also helps to alleviate restrictions caused by “barriers” in the tissues.

And most Importantly:

Pain is NOT the goal of Melting. Less is always more. And for goodness' sake, SLOW DOWN! Our goal is simply to “wake up a little something” in the tissue, not to overstimulate it. Following this protocol is a sure way to receive the fullest benefits from Melting.

So Remember . . .

You really don't have to understand much of this to feel good from Melting. Our bodies know what's going on without us having to explain it!

Plus, I’m here to help you learn how to do it and answer any questions along the way.

If you'd like to dive in even more, please join me in a group workshop or schedule 1-on-1 Instruction In-Person or Online.

I look forward to seeing you soon!


Hi! I'm Cori

I created Everyday Bodywork to promote self-empowerment through the use of self-care tools and techniques.


With a friendly, curious, and sometimes humorous approach, I enthusiastically share my experience with those who desire to feel more freedom in their everyday bodies. 

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